Smart cane to find socially preferred seats

2021-2022 - Published paper at IROS 2022

Team members:
Shivendra Agrawal (Lead)
Mary Etta West (Ph.D. researcher)
Chris Beggs (Undergraduate researcher)
Lara Chunko (Undergraduate researcher)
Bradley Hayes (Advisor)



  1. IROS
    A Novel Perceptive Robotic Cane with Haptic Navigation for Enabling Vision-Independent Participation in the Social Dynamics of Seat Choice
    Shivendra AgrawalMary Etta West, and Bradley Hayes
    In Proceedings of the IEEERSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2022

We designed a robotics cane system that leverages computer vision, and insights from psychology and haptics literature to enable users to navigate to socially preferred empty chairs. Our social-norm aware chair selection algorithm optimizes for users privacy, convenience and intimacy creating a potential for blind people to exercise the nuances of seat choices.

With our system, the blindfloded user is able to find and navigate to the more socially preffered seats.

System Demo Video (same as the above gif)

Paper presentation @ IROS 22 Kyoto, Japan
